Hit him twice and this battle will be over. Once both are in position, an ice cube will drop on Freeze, causing him to jump down for a last stand. Use Robin's magnetic suit to flip two switches that will bring up pieces for two boxes you have to assemble and push fowards. Once you've hit him twice, Freeze will retreat again. Use the lego pieces nearby to build a cannon, and jump on the pad until it blows up the cannon and Freeze will jump back down to fight. Repeat this one more time and Freeze will retreat to an elevated area, using a fan to keep you away. Once you clear out his minions, wait for Freeze to encase Batman or Robin in case, then switch to the other to punch him. This boss fight can be a bit tedious, but nothing the Batman can't handle. To finish him, use the batarang on the three valves above Clayface to trigger the security and drop him in the cage below him, ending the first boss battle. Clayface will jump atop a cage and be completely out of range. Repeat this again and the gate will open. Get Batman in his demolition suit and use a bomb to blow it up. Watch out for his minions as they will also be exchanging gunfire at you from behind the gate, where Clayface will be standing atop a shiny object. Hit him twice and he'll retreat into the bank, locking himself behind a gate. Since Clayface is the first boss fight in the game, he's not all that difficult. The Riddler's Revenge Clayface (6 Hearts) 6.9 The Joker and Lex Luthor (4 Hearts).6.8 The Joker and Lex Luthor's truck (5 Hearts).5.2 Police Battle Helicopter (6 Hearts).3.6 The Joker's Helicopter and the Joker (5 and 11 Hearts).2.5 The Penguin and Catwoman (10 Hearts).1.6 The Riddler and Two-Face (9 and 6 Hearts).1.3 Two Face's Armored Truck (3 Hearts).