Skype for business group call forwarding
Skype for business group call forwarding

skype for business group call forwarding
  1. Skype for business group call forwarding how to#
  2. Skype for business group call forwarding Pc#

Using the voicemail options menu or dial-in option above, you can call in to configure your mailbox:

Skype for business group call forwarding how to#

See the dial-in conferencing section below for information on how to find these details. You will need to know your Skype for Business number or extension, as well as your PIN.

  • Dial-in – You can dial in using any phone to the dial-in access number.
  • You can also call your voicemail box using the voicemail options menu:.
  • skype for business group call forwarding

    To play the voicemail hover over the left hand side of the message and then select the play button:

  • Skype for Business – Voicemail can be retrieved from the Skype for Business client by selecting the phone tab.
  • Outlook – Voicemail is delivered to your Outlook inbox and can be played directly from the message.
  • You can retrieve your voicemail in one of 3 ways: You can change these settings from the “Call Forwarding Settings” option mentioned above. There are 3 call forwarding options that can be accessed directly from the call forwarding menu at the bottom of Skype for Business:įor more advanced call forwarding options select “Call Forwarding Settings”: REDIRECT UNANSWERED CALLSīy default if voicemail is enabled unanswered calls will be redirected to your voicemail box. Select “Options” from the call notification pop up and select where you want to redirect the call: You may wish that the call to goes straight to voicemail, or you may be out the door and want to redirect it to your mobile. When you receive an inbound call you have the option to redirect it rather than answer. If you are transferring to a contact, and you wish to select from one of more listed numbers, right click the contact and select from the menu: Once you have selected the destination for the transfer, select the transfer button: You can select one of your own numbers, search for a contact, or type a number to transfer to: Select the “Transfer” button in the active call window:

    skype for business group call forwarding

    Select the phone icon to answer the call: When you receive an incoming call a notification will pop up. Double click to bring up the main call window again: ANSWER AN INCOMING CALL If you move away from the active call window a compact hovering window will appear so quick access to call controls. Once the call is initiated a call window will open:

  • Reveal a list of available numbers for the contact select the arrow next to the phone icon If you would like to leave one of your contacts a voicemail without disturbing them select the “Voicemail” option.
  • Hover over/click the contact picture and use the phone icon NOTE: This option will automatically call the last number you used for that contact (i.e. Skype for Business call, work number, mobile number etc).
  • Type (or copy/paste) the phone number, and either press Enter or double-click the highlighted number.
  • You can phone someone using one of the following 3 options: Note: Your work phone is generally set by the administrator and cannot be changed.

    skype for business group call forwarding

    Use the “Include in my contact card” to make it easily visible to your Skype for Business contacts: Select “Phones” then click the phone number type you would like to add. Select the options cog from the top right: To allow your contacts to see your other phone numbers you need to add them to Skype for Business. To view or change the privacy level right click the contact, select “Change Privacy Relationship”, then choose from the available options: There are different privacy levels available that determine who can see what information. Depending on your configuration Skype for Business will also display Outlook contacts: To add a contact to Skype for Business search for them, then right click “Add to contacts list”. Select the device from the drop down menu and make sure it is working in the preview window: If you have a camera configure this from the “Video Device” options. It is also advisable to “Unmute” when the phone rings:

    Skype for business group call forwarding Pc#

    This is particularly useful if your primary device is a headset, and you would like to set your PC speaker as the ringer. If you have 2 audio devices you may want to also enable the “Secondary ringer” option. Use the play buttons to test your configuration: Select the “Audio Device Settings” option from the bottom left menu:Įnsure you have a speaker, microphone and ringer configured. This will ensure that you are able to hear your phone ring, and have a good audio experience when in a call. It is very important to understand audio configuration in Skype for Business.

    Skype for business group call forwarding